The first day of do something you love every day…it began with a lovely lie in, how often do we take a well deserved lie in? Not often as we are always concerned with our mundane chores which eat into our enjoyable weekends. I had a breakfast of sausage, egg and bacon not my usual Sunday spred but it was good to eat a hearty meal before heading out for a impromptu day of delights! Over the course of today I have brought Christmas presents ( I had not even thought of them as yet!) and engaged in a conversation with a man selling top hats! Where I brought one for my dad for Christmas! As he lent to write my receipt he had a copy of 'the power of habit' I asked what was it like and does it work, to which he described "well I've just finished it so would you like it?" The right place right time springs to mind! I accepted immediately and so on my journey home I embark on reading it! Somedays make you smile and today after a day of drinking, bratwurst and books i head home thinking today has been a day of doing things I love!!

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